While e-learning videos are legion, the scope of their formats is constantly expanding. How do you choose and configure them to suit your needs? What is essentia[CL1] l to know for creating them and optimizing their dimensions and duration? Before we take a quick, non-exhaustive look at the main types of e-learning videos that are shaping the training landscape, let’s look at their objectives:
Explain concepts or notions
Show how to use or do something
Explain the manipulations or knowledge
Facilitate the assimilation of knowledge through concrete illustrations
Develop critical thinking skills by multiplying points of view and asking questions
Part 1
Overview of e-learning video type
Demonstration video
- Role : Step by step, you show a product, a service, a solution that must be dissected in detail to understand its functioning, benefits, uses and subtleties.
- Audience : First-time users, new employees who are new to an organization, products, etc.
- Use of light : depending on the elements to be highlighted, play on the exposure to better highlight the important points and accompany the eye by focusing attention
- Example : How to operate a specific machine?
- Content design : Alternate between the presentation of the overall concept and the deciphering of each detailed necessary step for a complete understanding
- Use of shots alternate between close-ups that zoom in on the product or the manipulation carried out, and general shots, allowing the element presented to be recontextualized in space. The learner can only be projected if he/she understands the use of the product/service in his/her environment.
- Time range : 1 minute to 10 minutes, depending on the complexity of the process
- Design of the form : enrich the images or videos used to concretely present the associations between the visual and the key terms/concepts, space the textual elements well and link them to the actions or objects clearly
- Use of sound : The trainer or the demonstrator must accompany their gestures with comments, or failing that, the presentation must be played on a voice-over background
Video course: theoretical concepts and notions
- Role : Before talking about practice, it is often necessary to inculcate the theoretical notions and concepts that give it meaning. From a very young age, everyone learns and memorizes, gradually adding new bricks to their understanding. The reasoning grows, thanks to a complex tree of principles and theories, governed by logic, science or other "subjects" to be studied, developing specific skills.
- Public : Pupils, students, professionals... everyone is faced one day with the need to acquire knowledge, simple or complex, to evolve in his or her life, whether in the professional or personal sphere
- Use of light : it will be necessary to be more vigilant on the colors used on the presentation and on the clothes of the presenter, because the green background inlay requires to favor certain nuances over others.
- Example : How to understand the mechanisms of economic and social sciences?
- Content design : Because theory is often abstract, it is essential to illustrate it with diagrams, shapes, and colors, which facilitate visual memorization and accelerate cognitive connections.
- Use of shots : As the presentation elements are mainly taken from PowerPoint, the variation of shots can be done on the trainer, with fading effects (appearance or disappearance), size and position in relation to the slides
- Use of sound : The trainer or the demonstrator must accompany their gestures with comments, or failing that, the presentation must be played on a voice-over background
- Duration range : unlike traditional face-to-face classes that last at least 60 minutes, the video courses can be chaptered and delivered asynchronously, in short sequences spread out over time. Because a module can be followed consumed different times, the videos can then be reduced to an individual duration of 5 to 35 minutes, depending on the level of explanation required for the acquisition of the knowledge thus presented. The length of the video also depends on the quality and richness of the scenario: if it is sufficiently captivating and varied, a long duration will not prevent the audience from keeping its attention, as in the case of series whose episodes are "binge-watched".
- Design of the form : prioritize the information according to the level of importance: principle, example, fields of application... a bullet point presentation or with boxes separating the blocks of information is a support to be used in the background behind a trainer which will allow to popularize the notions and to better transmit them with the help of the non verbal language. It is very simple to set up with a Rapidmooc studio in green screen recording mode.
Video tutorial: practical notions and concepts, technical handling
- Role : following the theoretical videos mentioned above, the tutorial videos are much more concrete, with an immersion in the manipulations and technical gestures, with the help of immediately actionable processes
- Duration range : Depending on the complexity of the elements to be explained, the duration varies between 1 and 10 minutes. Beyond that, a too long duration can dissuade the user from self-training, at the risk of finding the process too tedious and complicated to assimilate. It is therefore essential to deal with only one manipulation at a time per video
- Use of light : It is essential to light the area of technical manipulation well, without over-whitening the hands and the elements. It is important to clearly distinguish the hands, the gestures, and the manipulated objects.
- Duration range : Depending on the complexity of the elements to be explained, the duration varies between 1 and 10 minutes. Beyond that, too long a period can dissuade the user from self-training, at the risk of finding the process too tedious and complicated to assimilate. It is therefore essential to process only one manipulation at a time per video
- Example : How to use the Scene Editor feature of Rapidmooc Studio?
- Content design : The trainer's playfulness and pedagogy are key to the assimilation of specific gestures. To reproduce the thoroughness of certain techniques, it is useful to show the manipulation with a zoom on the action, in order to clarify the steps. For example, Rapidmooc users will connect an additional camera that will zoom in on the hands of a user and his tool, while the main camera will allow the trainer to express himself and to accompany the visualization of the film, which supports his explanations.
- Use of the shots : The close-up on the hands or tools to be used is essential, while it is precious to see the trainer talking, showing and accompanying these shots. This superimposition of shots is facilitated with Rapidmooc studios, without the need for post-production, but rather live or before the shooting. Hospitals, pharmaceutical or manufacturing industries are fond of this all-in-one video solution to reinforce the training of surgeons, scientists or craftsmen.
- Design of the form : the trick of the video within the video allows to keep a captivating dynamic for the learner. Another interesting possibility is to use augmented reality, to project the element to be operated in enlarged size, in front of the trainer. Enlarging the infinitely small allows to better visualize the interactions between the objects and the user.
- Use of sound : Explanations synchronized with the actions are fundamental to associate the gesture with the reason why it must be done at that place and time.
Business report
- Role : to make discover a professional environment, or a trade which includes skills but also the universe in which they evolve. Testimonials and sharing typical days or situations to show in a synthetic way the stakes of a profession are very useful. Well done, the reportage can arouse vocations!
- Audience : Primarily aimed at students looking for guidance, these videos can also help professionals looking for a career change or simply anyone curious to discover the wealth of existing activities.
- Use of light : To be balanced according to the scenario and the elements to be highlighted.
- Example : What is the job of a chef?
- Content design : Alternating between testimonies, explanations and role plays allows to show the person, his profile, his background, but also his attitude while practicing his profession. A recontextualization of the profession helps to better understand the interactions and skills it requires.
- Use of shots : this is probably one of the most demanding formats in terms of variety of shots and shots. Indeed, depending on whether it is the reporter, the professional who presents his job or an overview of the place, the elements to be presented are very different. They therefore require an adapted cadence and angles.
- Duration range : Depending on the channel the video is broadcasted on, the duration can be very short (1min30) or very long (more than 45 min). Prefer short formats for social networks or websites, and longer formats for YouTube or TV channels.
- Design of the form : In the continuity of this oscillation between speaking and field demonstration, the form requires a play on the shots, types of media (diagrams, photos, videos) and static moments (during the interview) and dynamic moments (in the field action).
- Use of sound : Alternate between the reporter, the interviewee and/or ambient sounds in the field: you don't want to have the same person talking all the time. If the field experience requires explanations, use a voice-over or text to enrich the image.
Live conference
- Role : Learning also involves sharing experience and inspiration, often in the form of conferences. Live conferences, such as TED talks, have the great strength of uniting the audience thanks to charismatic speakers. The "live" aspect accentuates the spontaneity of the emotions and the energy conveyed by the knowledge carriers, the conferences play on the sensations and the reactions, more than on the assimilation and the action of the learners.
- Public : Students, professionals or simply curious, the conferences are open to the greatest number, except for those that require advance registration
- Use of light : it is possible to play on the "projector" effect, as in a real darkened conference room, where the amphitheater is plunged into darkness, while only the message bearer is lit.
- Example : Webinar or online conference
- Content design : As with asynchronous video, the content must support the speech. More than other types of video, public speaking is the main element here, around which everything else revolves. The audience may be virtual, but it's still crucial to get the crowd excited and to have the strongest possible echo. The use of an airy, modern and well animated presentation in the background, behind the speaker, is therefore interesting.
- Use of shots : There is no need for excessive variation in shots in this case, where the energy and dynamism rests mainly on the speaker. Unlike other formats, the "static" aspect allows the audience's attention to be focused on one thing: the speaker.
- Duration range : 30-50 minutes, with a 10-15 minute question and answer session afterwards
- Design of the form : Since it is important to value the speaker first, it is especially important to put the speaker at the center of the presentation. Given this central role, the presentation used in the background must preserve this space, so that the slides that scroll behind are articulated in a complementary way and not in substitution with the foreground, where the speaker is.
- Use of sound : Here, the speech being the central element, it is fundamental to hear it with clarity and power. No voice-over, everything is focused on the speaker.
Screencast or video screen capture
- Role : Many e-learning videos include video screen capture in part or in full. Indeed, the use of software requires to go through the solution and to understand its path. In this sense, scrolling the screen in real conditions allows learners to understand the usefulness of action buttons and their redirection.
- Audience : Depending on the subject or industry, the audience may vary. The attention will be conditioned by the affinity of the learners with the digital aspect (digital native) or their capacity to concentrate on a video whose movement is slow or limited
- Use of shots : as you can see, it is important to make this type of content clear, digestible and easy to remember. It is therefore essential not to create a video that just captures it.
- Example : How to use a LMS?
- Content design : It is best to integrate a video screencast with another video that shows other elements, so as not to losoe the learner's attention quickly. That said, with the help of Rapidmooc's green screen overlay, the animation can be improved with the addition of the trainer, positioned in front of this screencast, with explanatory comments and a more playful gesture. Beyond the fact of humanizing the training, the interest of having the trainer displayed is also to have the same effect as the so-called "scroll stoppers", or captivating elements that pause the scroll and revive curiosity and attention.
- Duration range : If the scroll is a bit long, it is better to sequence the videos so that the assimilation process is not too boring. It is better to integrate this format into one of the types of videos mentioned above, to lessen the "boredom" of the audience, which generally stays engaged between 2 and 10 minutes on this type of recording.
- Design of the form : As already explained, alternate between these captures and other contents and angles of view, so that it is not just a screenshot but much mor
- Use of sound : Adding a voice-over can help make the content more digestible, but we strongly recommend having at least the trainer visible on the video, so that the eye is more stimulated by improved contrast and movement.
Summary video
- Role : as its name indicates, this is a conclusion video, which summarizes the key points without going into detail, but only as a synthetic reminder
- Audience : This type of video is aimed at either the learner who is taking stock of his or her journey or the consumer who is in a hurry and just wants to skim over the broad outlines of a subject. This type of video has the advantage of being able to appeal to all types of audiences. Thanks to its short format, it can even make a curious person want to know more and watch the other videos of which this one is the summary / teaser.
- Example : The 10 points to remember from this course
- Content design : if the complete training program has a table of contents, it is relevant to use its structure to recall the key information, in the form of a list or any other effective visual representation (mind mapping or visual communication methods are good ways)
- Length range : Because of its condensed nature, this video should be short enough to conclude a complete learning module, often consisting of several chapters. Between 40 seconds and 1.5 minutes is sufficient to convey this kind of information.
- Design of the form : given the short format and the volume of information to be relayed, it is essential not to make blocks of text or long sentences: the idea here is to create a memo, which will be kept on hand and which will recall the main ideas or concepts, detailed in other videos.
- Use of shots : it is less about playing with the shots than with the colors and shapes of the content presented. The video must be rhythmic to captivate the learner and leave him/her on a positive note, whether it is to conclude the course or to make him/her want to start.
- Use of sound : Rather than having a trainer throughout, it seems more appropriate to play with fade-in effects, in favor of computer graphics or images that will illustrate the concepts thus summarized. Here, he can come and give a reminder or invite you to go further at the end (either by repeating the complete videos, or by inviting you to follow another path). This can only be in the form of a voice-over if it is sufficiently cheerful and dynamic.
Part 2
Which format to choose?
Taking a step back from the typology of e-learning videos that can be created, let’s look at some key statistics, cleverly compiled by Techsmith about video consumption habits:

More generally, the audience is fond of these dynamic contents as soon as they are :
Adapted to the broadcast channel:
On social networks, the classic format is the 1:1 square format, which nevertheless tends to be competed by the vertical format (1080x1920px), in full effervescence since the stories and more recently TikTok
On the other hand, more traditional video platforms such as Youtube or LMS solutions remain focused on horizontal formats, which are interesting for showing a maximum number of elements simultaneously.
Structured enough to be consulted in a flexible way:
Rather than creating a continuous 1-hour video, the trick is to sequence the information shared step by step
For example with a chaptering where each part is directly accessible
Or sections that follow a precise tree structure (for example, a module can be divided into 2 branches, depending on the option chosen by the learner and his learning path)

The main challenge of e-learning videos is to keep the attention until the end. It is therefore essential to design the script to :
Spread out the answer to a need in a progressive way rather than giving it at the beginning, inciting to move on to something else before even finishing the video
Maintain the interest, curiosity and even the emotion of the spectator from beginning to end
Guarantee the quantity and quality of information transmitted
Avoid going off-topic by reminding the learner of the topic and the questions it answers at the beginning, so that the learner does not realize during the video that it is not the topic initially sought
Rapidmooc studios are designed to simplify the upstream preparation, the shooting and the post-production, so it will be very easy for you to adapt the whole production process according to the type of video to be created. Find the synthesis of our recommendations of format, duration and recording mode according to the type of e-learning video in this memo
All you need to do is keep the formats in mind to plan the necessary variations of each video you create.