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January 04 2024

Why AI should and will not replace humans in Communication and Education – Part 2

In this second part of our article on artificial intelligence, we delve into the essence of human creativity, spontaneity, and the inimitable intelligence of intuition.

These uniquely human qualities are an integral part of communication and education and are what sets us apart from artificial intelligence. While technology and robots may come close to replicating these characteristics, it is hard to image a world where they could emulate them to the point of replacement. And such human qualities are what we often value much, whether it be in the private or professional world. In fact, an IBM stucy found that CEOs view creativity as the most crucial leadership skill.

An IBM survey found that CEOs view creativity as the most crucial leadership skill

Preserving Human Creativity and Spontaneity

One of humanity’s unique characteristics is our ability to be creative and spontaneous. AI can be trained to generate content, but it does so based on existing models and pre-existing data. It often lacks the originality that humans can bring to communication. 

As mentioned above, it’s essential to know your audience so you know what will appeal to their senses, what will trigger certain reactions and/or emotions, and more generally what will make them appreciate the moment. Creating the magic of a moment isn’t just a matter of studying theory. It is practice, combined with individual imagination and collective awareness, that produces the sparks.


In areas such as art, literature, music, and advertising, human creativity is essential. AI can be a useful tool to assist in generating ideas, but it cannot replace the human capacity to create truly original and meaningful works

Despite its amazing speed in reproducing existing creative processes, AI is not intended to completely replace human thought in content creation. It is an undeniably effective tool, but it can only respond to needs or ideas previously unearthed by human beings. Therefore, it is important to keep humans at the core of these forms of communication to preserve their unique value.

The Inimitable Intelligence of Intuition

One of the defining characteristics that sets humans apart from artificial intelligence is the elusive quality of intuition. Intuition
is a complex amalgamation of experience, emotions, and innate understanding
that enables individuals to make decisions beyond the confines of explicit reasoning.

While AI systems excel at processing vast amounts of data and executing tasks with precision, they lack the inherent ability to grasp the nuanced subtleties that characterize human intuition. Intuition often draws from personal experiences, cultural nuances, and a deep understanding of context, elements that are deeply ingrained in the human psyche.


Number of neurones

in the human brain, connected by trillions of synapses

Create engaging videos where the speaker is real and visible.

Use AI to your advantage

So, how can you combine AI, which helps save time, with human creativity? Create engaging videos where the speaker is real, visible and conveys their message with non-verbal language and visual elements. Something that is extremely easy to do with a Rapidmooc studio. Our all-in-one video studios are a game changer for any trainers, teachers or communicators who want to catch their audience’s attention with creative content. No technical expertise or effort required.

AI is our friend

As we continue to explore the possibilities of AI in communication and education, it’s crucial to emphasize that AI should complement, not replace, the human touch.

In both parts of this article, we have discussed how humans are incredible creatures with innate abilities that technology will never fully replicate. Our brains are the most powerful and complex computers that will ever exist, and no piece of artificial intelligence will ever come near to performing some of the amazing tasks we do on a daily basis.

But as we have already seen through ChatGPT and the like, the potential of AI is enormous. It can generate an unlimited amount of content in an instant, brainstorm new ideas and so much more.

In some fields, where there is less need for human interaction and emotion, that’s more than enough. However, when it comes to communication and education, the limitations of artificial intelligence mean humans will and must always be at the center of the experience.