Marketing de la formation : comment donner envie d’utiliser un studio d’enregistrement vidéo ?

Créer des cours en ligne 07/10/2022 Marketing de la formation : Comment donner envie d’utiliser un studio d’enregistrement vidéo ? Un studio d’enregistrement vidéo est un atout que beaucoup de services formation aimeraient avoir. Lorsqu’on a la chance d’en posséder un, il est nécessaire de communiquer à son sujet pour faire connaître ses atouts aux différents […]
Training contents and trends for 2022/2023

Digital Learning Trends 23/08/2022 Training contents and trends for 2022/2023 According to a Dell and Think Thank Institute for the Future study, 80% of the jobs that we will find in 2030 do not even exist today. This metric is really underlaying the ever-changing nature of work in the digital age. As for our field, […]
Why is video recording the best communication solution?

Digital Learning Trends 01/08/2022 Why is video recording the best communication solution? 93% of communication is non-verbal Does this number ring a bell? In the last survey we ran, the focus was on the most used types of content, and we found many fans of PowerPoint presentations. For a long time, it has remained a […]
Why and how to use PowerPoint presentations when creating videos with a Rapidmooc studio

Create training videos 20/06/2022 Why and how to use PowerPoint presentations when creating videos with a Rapidmooc studio Sommaire Why use a Powerpoint when recording Film vs. Video presentation PowerPoint Versatility that caters to every profession Focus on the 2 main recording modes Green screen Augmented reality Video-first design Raw materials Animations and transitions Text […]
How to develop your soft skills with the Rapidmooc studios?

How to record a video 25/03/2022 How to develop your soft skills with the Rapidmooc studios? Building a career is based on one constant variable: employability. From the search for one’s first job to one’s career prospects, everyone has the choice (if not the obligation) to develop their skills, including their soft skills. How to […]
How to Run Effective Meetings

Digital Learning Trends 01/03/2022 How to Run Effective Meetings Today we’re going to show you how you can run effective meetings in our Post-Covid societies. But before we delve into this, it’s worth exploring how meetings have evolved in recent years so we can understand how they’ve functioned and what the next chapter will be. […]
10 étapes-clés pour créer un cours en ligne

Créer des cours en ligne 03/02/2022 MOOC : 10 étapes-clés pour créer un cours en ligne Les MOOC, ou cours en ligne ouverts et massifs, ont explosé ces dernières années. Ces cours en ligne, souvent interactifs, permettent aux apprenants d’accéder à une quantité énorme d’informations sur d’innombrables sujets, généralement avec peu ou pas de conditions […]
10 Steps to Creating an Amazing MOOC

Create training videos 26/01/2022 10 Steps to Creating an Amazing MOOC The number of MOOCs, or Massive Open Online Courses has grown exponentially in recent years. These interactive online courses allow learners to access a huge amount of educational content on countless subjects, generally with little to no entry requirements, and often entirely free of […]
How to use digital learning to support and scale up employee development

Digital Learning Trends 13/01/2022 How to use digital learning to support and scale up employee development It’s safe to say that digital learning is here to stay. We’re going to tell you all you need to know to enhance/maximise your existing program or develop a new one so that you can remain effective in supporting […]
Why use Rapidmooc with the Microsoft 365 suite

How to record a video 20/12/2021 Why use Rapidmooc with the Microsoft 365 suite ​Table of contents What is Microsoft 365? How to use Microsoft 365 with Rapidmooc? 1. Create attractive presentation materials 2. Facilitate meetings and courses remotely in studio mode 3. Store videos and presentation content 4. Distribute videos via different channels 5. […]